Soundbath 2 of march

Re-align - 2 hour Restorative Soundbath

In a world full of busy-ness and noise I invite you to take this warming and cup-filling afternoon to tend to yourself - rest and slow down, soften and press pause - to deeply relax, soothe and restore your nervous system, soften the body and clear the head and body from all the noise so you can just be and check in with yourself - how you are and where you should be going.

In this early spring Sunday come join us in the cosiest studio and take an afternoon for you -pause the world and treat yourself to something really soothing and nourishing so that you can feel rested, re-aligned and recharged with all the calm, lightness and fresh energy!

During the soundbath we will incorporate a few very simple optional restorative yoga poses to enable your body and mind to relax and soften even more deeply while you're being held by the sounds and vibrations of beautiful evocative instruments such as the gong, singing bowls, chimes, & rain sticks.


Sound therapy is an ancient technique used as a meditation tool to restore harmony in the physical and emotional body and to relax as it stimulates stress relief and gives a feeling of deep relaxation. The sound vibrations help calm the nervous system and slow down the brain waves so that you can reach a more relaxed, connected and meditative state. After a session people tend to feel more clarity, more centred and 'in tune' with themselves and often report better sleep quality.

The best way I can describe my experience of participating in sound baths is simply having the time, space and opportunity to effortlessly process and get clarity about everything happening in- and outside myself.

I truly love this spacey yet grounding practice and invite you to come and take some time for yourself to process, relax and find some peace and calm, while being held by the sounds and vibrations of beautiful instruments such as the gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and rattles.

Just the experience of being surrounded and embraced by the marvellous sounds and vibrations and sensing their immediate effect is such a beautiful experience in itself!

During the session you will be lying down under a blanket and the only thing to do is close your eyes and relax while different instruments played produce sound vibrations massaging our body internally and take you on a meditative inner journey.


TIME: Sunday, 2. March - TIME 13.30-15.30

PLACE: Bülowsvej 50A, Frederiksberg - House of Awakening
PRICE: 295dkk ****
-No need to bring anything apart from a little pillow if you would like to feel extra comfortable.

*Tickets are non-refundable but you're welcome to pass it forward to a friend in case you're prevented from joining yourself.

Feel free to share this with anyone who would enjoy this experience and need some rest and re-aligning recharge!